Effective Treatment Options for Chronic Sinusitis

A woman using a nasal spray and surrounded by bottles of medicines.

With the cooler weather, sinus issues can be aggravated, making you feel miserable. Finding the right treatment can be challenging. Symptoms can go away with rest and over-the-counter medications. If your symptoms persist, there are other options available to address the core root of your discomfort. Here are the top three effective treatment options to help you achieve relief from chronic sinusitis.

Nasal Irrigation

Chronic sinusitis may be treated with nasal irrigation for pain relief. Nasal drops can help clear away irritants and slow down drainage. Clear signs of improvement may be noticeable within seven to ten days. Nasal irrigation may need to be combined with pain medication and compresses as an effective treatment option.


Corticosteroids can help reduce inflammation and nasal polyps that cause discomfort with chronic sinusitis. This medication can have side effects with long-term use and is best used to treat severe symptoms. There are other similar medications as well that can be taken orally or through the nasal cavities. Your doctor can recommend the best medicine depending on your specific medical issues. Make sure to tell your doctor about any health conditions you have and medications you are taking to help avoid adverse reactions.

Allergy Treatment

The discomfort of chronic sinusitis can often be overcome with allergy treatment. Allergic reactions to food, medication, mold or pollen can aggravate sinus issues. You may need to learn how to avoid certain triggers that are affecting your health. Antihistamines and other allergy treatments can reduce inflammation and congestion so you can enjoy all the activities of your daily life. Allergy shots can affect how your body reacts to triggers to help prevent symptoms.

Achieve Long-Lasting Relief with Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

Before your chronic sinusitis can be treated, an accurate diagnosis of the root cause is essential. Your doctor may run a battery of tests and review your medical history before making any recommendations. New York Sinusitis Treatment specializes in a comprehensive range of personalized treatment options for a multitude of sinus conditions. If your symptoms are making you miserable, Dr. Levitin can help you achieve long-lasting relief. Request an appointment today.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Gregory Levitin, New York Sinusitis Treatment

Columbus Circle Office

200 W. 57th Street Suite 508
New York, NY 10019

(212) 784-6643