Sinusitis Treatment Blog
Can Springtime Allergies Turn into Sinusitis?
Springtime allergies, due to characteristic blooming flowers and pollen-filled air, can transform the joys of the season into a nightmare for many individuals. While allergies are often associated with sneezing, itchy eyes and nasal congestion, they can also lead to more severe complications, such as sinusitis. What Is Sinusitis? Sinusitis, commonly known as a sinus…
Recognizing the Transition: 10 Signs Your Cold Has Evolved into Sinusitis
While a common cold is often perceived as a temporary inconvenience, it can sometimes progress into a more prolonged and uncomfortable condition known as sinusitis. Sinusitis, or a sinus infection, occurs when the sinuses become inflamed due to viral, bacterial or fungal infections. Recognizing the signs that your cold has developed into sinusitis is crucial…
Start the New Year with Healthier Sinuses
As we usher in the New Year, many of us make resolutions focused on health and well-being. While resolutions often revolve around fitness and nutrition, it’s crucial not to overlook the health of one of our body’s most vital systems – the respiratory system. If you’ve been grappling with sinus issues, it’s time to prioritize…
When Does a Deviated Septum Require Treatment?
A deviated septum occurs when the thin wall (septum) that separates the nasal passages is displaced to one side, causing an obstruction. While many individuals have a slightly deviated septum without experiencing significant symptoms, in some cases, treatment may be necessary. The decision to seek treatment for a deviated septum depends on the severity of…
Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Rhinologic Diseases
As experts in rhinology at City Sinus Care in New York, we are always keen to share emerging research that impacts our understanding of rhinologic diseases. A recent study, spearheaded by Dr. Jean Kim, a renowned rhinologist at John Hopkins, in collaboration with members of the American Rhinologic Society’s allergy and immunology section and John…
5 Common Winter Sinusitis Complications
NYC winters can be spectacular, but they can also bring unpleasant health complications, including sinusitis. Sinusitis is a common condition when the sinuses (air-filled spaces in the bones of the face) become inflamed and swollen. This inflammation can cause various symptoms, from congestion and facial pain to headaches and fever. While sinusitis is usually a…
Could My Headaches Be from Sphenoid Sinusitis?
Headaches are a common ailment that can be caused by a variety of factors. One possible cause of headaches that is often overlooked is sphenoid sinusitis. Sphenoid sinusitis is a condition that affects the sphenoid sinuses, which are located behind the eyes and deep in the skull. Symptoms of Sphenoid Sinusitis Sphenoid sinusitis can cause…
Finding Long-Lasting Relief with New York Sinusitis
Sinusitis affects millions of individuals in the United States. Still, many may not realize they are dealing with chronic sinusitis rather than the more common acute form. Understanding the differences between the two conditions is crucial for making informed decisions about seeking relief. Today, we will look at the critical aspects of acute and chronic…
Various Types of Sinusitis
Sinusitis or sinus infections can cause discomfort and ongoing symptoms for many people. However, different causes and types of sinusitis can vary the type of treatment needed for relief. Understanding the various types of sinusitis can help determine the best treatments and procedures to relieve pain and improve your symptoms. There are different types of…
Does Flying Cause You Sinus Pain?
If you are planning a trip this summer but are hesitant to fly due to sinus pain in the past, you are not alone. Those with sinus problems can experience increased pain and complications when they fly. Do not cancel your travel plans – instead, learn more about why flying aggravates your sinuses and what…