Springtime Pollen and Sinusitis

young woman suffering from nose bleeding

NYC residents agree that Springtime in New York is a wonderful time—but for those with seasonal allergies and sinusitis, it just means more pollen and increased discomfort. The warmer weather and blooming flowers can be beautiful, but they can also cause serious difficulties for those who are allergic to pollen or suffer from sinusitis.

Board-certified Otolaryngologist-Head and Neck Surgeon and a Fellow of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Dr. Gregory Levitin, MD, FACS, offers some counsel for those who struggle with springtime pollen and sinusitis. He and the New York Sinusitis Treatment team can help you breathe better and enjoy springtime more.

Pesky Pollen

Pollen is one of the most common allergens, and it’s in the air all around us during the springtime. When you breathe in pollen, your body’s immune system reacts by producing histamines. These histamines can cause a range of symptoms, including sneezing, itching, watery eyes and a runny nose. The symptoms can be severe for some people and even lead to sinusitis.

Sneaky Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a condition that occurs when the sinuses become inflamed and swollen. This inflammation can cause pain and pressure in the face, headaches, congestion and a feeling of general malaise. People with seasonal allergies are more likely to develop sinusitis, as their sinuses are already irritated and sensitive.

What Can I Do?

If you’re experiencing symptoms of sinusitis, Dr. Levitin can help. He can prescribe medications to help alleviate your symptoms or recommend other treatments like nasal irrigation or allergy shots. But there are also things you can do at home to help ease your discomfort.

Drink More Water

One of the most effective ways to alleviate sinusitis symptoms is to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water can help thin out mucus and make it easier to breathe. You can also try using a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home. This can help soothe irritated sinuses and relieve congestion.

Saline Nasal Spray

Another home remedy for sinusitis is saline nasal spray. This can help flush out any irritants or allergens in your sinuses and keep them moist. You can buy a saline nasal spray at any drugstore or make your own by mixing salt and warm water.

Reduce Exposure

If you’re going to be spending time outside during allergy season, you can do a few things to help reduce your exposure to pollen. Avoid going outside during peak pollen hours, usually in the early morning and late afternoon. You can also wear a mask to help filter out pollen and other allergens.

Advanced Sinusitis Treatment

While springtime pollen may seem like a mere inconvenience, it can trigger chronic serious sinusitis if left untreated. Do not wait to seek treatment if you struggle with springtime pollen and sinusitis. Contact our New York Sinusitis Treatment team to schedule a sinusitis evaluation to explore treatment options.

New York Sinusitis Treatment

Spring can be a beautiful time of year, but it can also bring discomfort for people with seasonal allergies and sinusitis. If you’re experiencing symptoms, see Dr. Levitin at New York Sinusitis Treatment and get the treatment you need.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Gregory Levitin, New York Sinusitis Treatment

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