Facial Pressure and Pain
You may experience facial pressure and pain as the result of dental problems, a cold, the flu or a nasal infection. However, when symptoms of facial pressure and pain are persistent, it is cause for concern. Determining what is causing the pain may require speaking to a number of specialists. Dr. Greg Levitin is a board-certified otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon, and he may be able to greatly reduce the time it takes to receive a diagnosis by providing a more comprehensive examination in a single visit.
Congestion, infection, and damage to the sinuses or nasal cavities are often responsible for facial pressure and pain. Patients may notice swelling of the face and experience frequent tension headaches. Other symptoms are similar to those of flu, the common cold, and feeling generally unwell. Therefore, it is difficult for a general practitioner to provide an accurate diagnosis without access to appropriate tools.
Dr. Greg Levitin is skilled in diagnosing various conditions that produce symptoms in the face and neck. This allows him to recommend and deliver effective treatment options which result in permanent relief in many cases. Patients also have the option of visiting our office in New York, following a free consultation over the phone or via the website.
Treatment Options to Relieve Facial Pressure
Dr. Greg Levitin takes a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment. He will always explore non-invasive options which may include lifestyle education or a balloon sinuplasty to open up the sinuses and relieve pressure on the face. While we prefer to avoid surgical intervention, sometimes reconstruction of the nasal cavity is necessary to improve airflow and reduce the risk of recurring sinus infections. Patients are always fully educated on the implications of all options before treatment begins at our offices.
What happens after your treatment is an important part of recovery and the effectiveness of any procedure. Dr. Greg Levitin strongly believes that patients can have an impact on their own health with the right guidance. Even small changes to your lifestyle and current ongoing treatments for other conditions can greatly influence symptoms such as facial pressure and pain. Dr. Levitin and his team will work closely with you to ensure you achieve the best possible outcome from treatment. You will receive any necessary referrals for companion treatments that we cannot provide at our centers.
For the treatment of facial pressure and pain, contact the offices of Dr. Greg Levitin in New York to arrange your first appointment today.